How many of you consider yourself to be self conscious? Now how many of you spend more than a decent amount of time looking at your flaws in the mirror every day. Nitpicking your flaws isn't unique to women and you should know that your fellow men could be just as self conscious as you, if not more so.
The idea behind owning it is working with what you've got. I have never in my life met an inherently unattractive person. They may have not been attractive to me, but that doesn't make them ugly. There aren't really ugly people in terms of looks. Whether or not you deem someone to be attractive is relative to you. The claimed most beautiful person of the year could be nothing more than a decent looking person to you. True beauty comes from the personality that you build up and the positivity and growth that you surround yourself with.
Humans are inherently flawed in their looks. Some times you can get unlucky with the gene pool, a freak accident can mess things up, or maybe you haven't taken care of yourself like you were supposed to. I've spoken about this before, but you are your own worst critic. Meaning you see your flaws a lot more glaringly that anyone else might. That also means if you own and accept your body for what it is, the negative thoughts lose their power. You no longer allow them to control your actions, on whether or not you ask your crush out, make it to the gym, or try on some new clothes.
There is however a line between the two and it doesn't run that fine. You could straight up own every thing about you, even if they are health issues. If you find yourself that comfortable in your own skin, kudos to you, you're a better man than I. The line runs between fixable and unfixable issues. Unfixable being accidents, birth marks, birth defects, things that fell upon you without you having control over them. Something that could be unfortunate that you have to learn to live with. Making the unfixable category more broad could mean that you have big ears, wide ankles, a small nose, or for some reason you don't like your brown eyes. The first solution in those self image issues could be surgery. Honestly, if it'll make you a more confident person and you aren't abusing the idea to change yourself too much, more power to you. But you also have the option of just straight up owning every flaw.
The second part being fixable issues, relating more to your weight, style, hair, skin. Things that you can actively change with effort. If you find you issues falling more in the fixable category, the solution is simple, fix them. Not in the idea of something being broken that you need to fix, because that's wrong to say. You are not broken for having flaws. Your flaws are your own and you can choose to embrace them and work at them. In the case that you let it bother you though, fix it. You will become a better man for it. Not only because you worked at something that was bothering you, but you allowed yourself to admit something was wrong and put in the effort to make it right.
Own it and WashYourAss
- Noble
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