Monday, May 21, 2018

Let's Talk: The fitness talk

After a solid break on Sunday, I'm happy to be back writing for y'all. Let's have the fitness talk. This relates to everyone in terms of how you can apply this information, so it'll be a let's talk instead of a manly tip's. Now what is the fitness talk?

The fitness talk is an honest discussion among you and your peers, where you or your friends look at your own fitness and health objectively.  Being unhappy with your body isn't a unique issue and it's not necessarily something you need to have the fitness talk for. However, if this unhappiness is detrimental to your every day life, sit down and talk. If the spotlight is just on your fitness, ask people you trust to give an honest opinion. If you already know that your current health status could be alarming, have trustworthy friends encourage you to move forward.

When the fitness talk is focused on somebody around you, the approach is very different. Remember first and foremost, people are comfortable in their skin, even if they may not look it to you. It's not up to you to tell your heavy friends to slim down or you thin friends to bulk up. If they feel comfortable enough to where they don't want a change, then it is absolutely not your duty to speak up.

However, and this is a strong however. In the case where your friends are pushing towards eating disorders or ranging in the area of overweight, it's time to speak up. Whereas telling people who may not have the perfect body type to work out isn't of your concern. Telling those who are struggling with their image and weight might need a second opinion. And it is up to you to vocalize the issue. You might currently know some people that could benefit in there day to day lives if you have the courage to speak up. Of course the way that you word the conversation and approach it has to be delicate.

There is a possibility that you can harm the relationships or have your own feelings hurt in the process. Especially if you or the opposite party makes the mistake of being insensitive. Just like everything else discussed in these posts, it's a skill that you need to develop. You will master how to approach these topics over time through experience and failure. I am in no way implying, you need to have this conversation tomorrow. Although, there are steps that you can take to build towards that. Remember that people can be self conscious and especially thick headed. So if you present your information or in the case they are letting you know your own health is an issue, open mindedness is key. If the naive behavior trumps the willingness to be vulnerable and learn, it no longer becomes your duty or responsibility to try and help.

- Noble

Be healthy and wash your ass

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