There are several ways that you can approach being funny. You could be the funny guy among your friends, known as a pretty funny guy, or you could stretch it into a profession. That last one of course is if you have the balls to get up on stage and bomb in front of people. Since there are so many different style of humor, it can be relatively easy to approach your idea of funny.
Funny among your friends. Being funny among your friends doesn't have to be difficult if you don't make it out to be. You don't necessarily need to be a funny person to be funny among your friends. The more time you spend with people, you'll know what makes them tick, what makes them sad, and what makes them laugh. So to a group of strangers you could be the least funny human on the planet, but knowing what makes your friends laugh could make you hilarious to them. It's all about learning and growing your comedy style while watching your friends grow. Your jokes will grow with them.
Being the "funny guy." One of the quickest ways to being considered funny is being quick. The first to jump on a joke in situation will usually reap the rewards, in this case the laughs. It might take a lot of studying at first and a decent amount of bombing. You'll be using the best joke you could muster in the quickest amount of time. Sometimes it'll fail pretty hard and maybe you'll only get a cheap laugh. Every now and then you might get that roar of laughter that brings tears to people's eyes. That'll be something you keep working towards. Not every joke will end with that feeling of success, but while working at your craft you can figure out how to better aim for the laughs.
Hyping and rolling with the jokes. Before I get to the third and final idea, I'd like to talk about two things, the first being hyping and rolling. If you don't quite know these techniques yet, I recommend practicing them. First, hyping is keeping your friends joke known. Giving them the laugh they deserve and letting others know that what ever may have just happened was genuinely good humor. Your friends will remember this good act for the future and more than likely return the favor. In addition to hyping, you can also roll with the jokes. Rolling with the joke is a branch of hyping them up. It's when a funny situation happens or a joke has been made and you add to it. Let me first say, you can definitely ruin a joke by rolling it the wrong way. It could also lead to your friends busting your balls. Remember that it is an acquired skill, practice and work on it. When you do learn how to roll with jokes, it makes the mood just good. There isn't any better way to put it, but if a good friend makes a joke and everyone is chipping in and adding to it, the atmosphere builds. There is laughter in the air and smiles plastered on faces, and that'll never be a situation worth missing.
The second of the two, is learning to let yourself fail. As someone that has been considered the funny or hilarious guy or the guys who makes jokes that leave a lasting impression. I've failed an embarrassing amount, I still fail a lot. When you are trying to narrow down what could be considered a good joke, you'll have to keep testing the waters of how to build around it. Sometimes I'll shoot from the hip and get the best laugh I've gotten in weeks. Other times I'll sit down and think of how to tell a joke or how to build a story and recieve absolute silence. Crickets chirping in the wind and a sense of overwhelming embarrassment. I allow myself to fail, I sit in the awkward moment and I move on. Thinking of ways to better craft a joke for the future. Failure allows me to stay grounded and not over estimate my comedy capabilities. For example, I find myself to be a pretty funny guy, I can seem to make any group of people laugh after a few minutes. That does not mean that I am even a little bit prepared to jump on stage.
Finally onto making a profession. I could write ten separate blog posts on how hard it is to attempt stand-up comedy. I'd recommend giving it a shot if you have infallible confidence. Otherwise, let the professionals do their jobs. Stand-up is an art form. It is an acquired skill and it so much more than writing down things you think are funny and telling them to an audience. There is tons of work done behind the scenes. If you truly believe you are the funniest guy you know, give it a shot, and be prepared to bomb.
Tell some jokes and WashYourAss,
- Noble
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