This post will have a more broad discussion than what is listed in the title. The idea behind this post is understanding your own issues and knowing when it is a time to change. I've talked on numerous occasions about how important it is as a man to rectify your mistakes and to know when to take responsibility. It's a simple enough concept to grasp, however I've never explained the steps in depth. This post will be targeted towards the developing young men, but everyone could learn from it.
Step one, understanding your issues. Again, simple in theory difficult to execute. The easiest way to explain this is that, every day of your life you might find yourself hungry. You know that the only thing hearty enough to fill you up is a steak and potatoes. You could make steak and potatoes with a tiny bit of extra effort. But because it takes that effort you eat all kinds of fast food instead. The fast food is comparable to your issues, in the sense that you know what is right, but you aren't putting in the effort to have what is right. You'll continue to live with your issues, or "eat the fast food" because that's the easy route. It take's little to no effort, for some people it's a fine way to cruise through life. Now for those people that are fine with it, I can guarantee they haven't had good steak and potatoes. Once you taste that meal and that style of life, where it feels better to wake up every morning, where you are using your conscious mind more appropriately. That is the moment when you'll wonder why you've been eating fast food for so damn long.
Step two, knowing when it's time to change. You've tasted the steak and potatoes and never want to go back. While I commend you for that thought process, it might not necessarily be possible for you right now. You are guaranteed to make a lot more mistakes on the way, whether you are in control of them or not. Remember that making mistakes is okay, it's an idea that I will continue to enforce on this blog. Mistakes happen and sometimes you have no power in them. However, step two and mistakes are heavily intertwined. When you continue to make consistent mistakes that aren't beneficial to your own life. Begin to understand that the way things are going aren't right for you. Boom, you have your answer and now you know it's time to change. This process may not hit you for years or you may be lucky enough to start working on it tomorrow. It starts and ends with you, remember that. Burn that idea into your mind that it can only start and end with you. Objectively good people are going to follow through with this process and the work accompanying it. If you are to remain complacent you might as well be dead. Start the process for yourself.
Step three, question everything. No really, start questioning absolutely everything going on around you. Seek knowledge, consume knowledge, make a million mistakes and try new things. Do some things that you know are dumb if they will benefit you later in life. Test, test, and test some more. Attempt to understand everything going on around you. And if you really can't grasp it, ask even more questions.
Eat your steak and potatoes and WashYourAss
- Noble
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