Hey everyone, I'm happy to be back and writing a real post to y'all. I'll need to pick my consistency back up after disappearing for a minute, as viewers have fallen a bit. Of course that was understandable, being gone and being forced to write posts from my phone. But I'm not here to make excuses. The manly tips for today is about becoming desirable!
With most things that I write about in my blog, there's a future through hard work. What I try and offer is an objective step by step process, basically laying out the floor plans. In doing thing, it gives you the option to build or destroy your own house. Whether or not you choose the path of success is entirely up to you. That being said, becoming desirable can be worked out pretty easily. Broken down into exercise, hygiene, and confidence.
Those three categories were listed in that order for a specific reason, but we'll get to that. Starting with exercise, no possible partner has ever said "yeah that guy was in good shape and I found that super unattractive." No humans are inherently ugly on the outside. I'n my 21 years of line, I've never thought to myself that humans who takes care of their bodies and minds is ugly. It's when you start to let yourself go that you become "ugly" and more often than not, the inside rots sooner than the outside. Everything starts with creating a schedule and giving yourself a purpose. Use a gym schedule for example. Start out once a week for 15 minutes a day. Build that confidence up and build that work ethic. You''ll transition to 30 minutes 3 times a week, than a few hours each week. Do not throw yourself into the fire with things like this. You aren't trying to learn a skill, you are trying to change your lifestyle.
With exercise knocked out of the way, hygiene will be our next discussion point. Brush your teeth, moisturize your skin, deep shampoo your hairs, wear deodorant, and wash your ass. Those details are there as a reminder. A good portion of people know how to take care of themselves when it comes to hygiene. But when I say a good portion that doesn't mean the full group. To those of you that may struggle with these ideas, you have to start somewhere. Everyone always has to start somewhere. I'll touch more on that later today with my own personal experiences, in "the process."
With exercise and hygiene taken care of, we are left with confidence. Natural confidence is difficult to have. Confidence is usually something you build through experiences and failures. Luckily I gave you a free cheat to having better confidence in the last two paragraphs. Even if you believe that your personality needs work, you can work on that through interaction and introspection. Have you ever noticed how arguably attractive people seem to have more confidence than the average schlub? It's because their clothes fit well, their bodies feel good, and they enjoy what looks back at them in the mirror. In most cases, confidence is built and tooled over time. But it most certainly helps if you act the part, regardless of whether or not you are fully there.
Walk with confidence and WashYourAss
- Noble
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