Friday, June 1, 2018

Let's Talk: Why aren't you yelling?

Humans are weird. I'm not going to be the first to say that and I certainly won't be the last. It's not some super introspective or revolutionary comment. It's rather factual to say that humans are weird. Sometimes we want to cry, sometimes we will hold in anger and repress things, sometimes we will lie down for hours on end and stare are the ceiling. We try so many different methods to expel these emotions, but there is a simple answer that's much easier than any method you can approach. Why aren't you yelling?

Let me first clearly specify by saying, this method does not involve yelling at other people. I had thought to write a whole different post about that, but I'll attack that idea right now. It is absolutely abhorrent behavior to take out your anger on another living being. Let alone to be immature enough to yell at another living being. Even after my explanation, if that is not clear enough and you are guilty of continuously taking out your anger on other people and don't care to change, please stop following my work. You are simply a bad person and aren't worth the time.

With that quick rant out of the way, let me get back to the meat of the topic. Humans need to let emotions out and we are weird as hell. I'll ask again. Why aren't you yelling? Yell about nothing, yell about everything, make some noises. We hold so much pain in our hearts that we struggle to let go. And the best way to let it out is to quite literally force it out. My personal method is while working out, but that's not the only way to do it. Go for a run, go to the beach, hike to the top of a mountain. Wherever you find safety, scream until you can't breathe. Let all your negative energy out into the world and allow yourself to smile.

Yell until you can't anymore and WashYourAss

- Noble

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