I’m going to try and get two posts out today, but it might be a bit difficult seeing as I’m traveling and writing these on my phone. I’ll also be having a mini vacation this week, but I’ll try and keep up the consistency. I need to keep up the growth so hopefully posts remain decent.
That being said I’d like to write today about the pedestal. This is a consistent issue that I’ve seen in relationships and something I’ve been guilty of myself. Elevating your significant other to a higher level than yourself and letting them get away with things that you otherwise wouldn’t. Generally giving them a pass when they don’t necessarily deserve it.
It doesn’t necessarily start at any specific scale. It could be letting small comments slide or falling into the issue of letting them dictate the relationship. The worst case scenario ends with abusive behavior, seeing as they let it slide for so long that the person atop the pedestal can’t decide what appropriate behavior is.
The solution to dealing with the pedestal is actually relatively simple. Of course you could take the approach of not allowing yourself or your partner to be place on the pedestal in the first place. Well kudos to you for recognizing that it could become an issue. For those that are guilty or involved in the pedestal situation. Then stick with the rest of this post. Whether you are placing or being the placee the answer is the same. This solution remains the same through most relationships.
Talk things out. I am under the impression that any single relationship can work out as long as you talk things out. There are obviously the more severe cases, but when two people share in attraction and care for one another the issues are always found in communication. No matter the age, no matter the level of relationship, talk through things together.
Talk things out and WashYourAss
- Noble
Talk things out and WashYourAss
- Noble
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