In the light of the recent news with Morgan Freeman, I'm going to write this post. Part of me can't believe that I have to write such a simple idea down, but another knows my younger crowd might be able to use something like this. Bo Burnham said it best, "Pretty obvious, just don't fucking rape people. Didn't think I had to write that one down for you."
I chose to not look into the Morgan Freeman story, because all of these celebrity stories end up the same. They say they didn't know any better or didn't realize the power they had in those situations. Well our recent offender who will be henceforth be referred to as Stupid Creep probably thought the same. All we need now is his apology for "how badly he hurt the people around him. And if he could go back in time he'd never have done it in the first place." Well again, just like every other celebrity story they probably would go back in time. However, not to stop their actions, that'd be much to simple. They'd probably do a better job of cleaning up their tracks and making sure their victims don't talk. Every single word Stupid Creep says following this incident will be bullshit. Shockingly, just like every other celebrity that gets caught will spew whatever bullshit they can to protect themselves.
There are degrees of sexual harassment, some much more vile than the others. Certain words can be said among close friends. Words that you know they are comfortable with and won't cause a problem in your relationship. And if they aren't comfortable, the simplest solution is asking to find out. Say that you often use certain slang around your friends or you are straight up saying dumb things. That's fine, more power to y'all and your relationship. However, as soon as you start speaking that way towards strangers expect repercussions.
In addition to your vocabulary, when you start your sexual journey, you'll learn quickly that any sexual or romantic behavior is supposed to be for fun. The best sexual behavior is consensual. That is not specific to fetishes, let me be absolutely clear. Some fetishes involve more dominant behavior. Which is completely fine, as long as it's fucking consensual. Here's the deal and this pertains both to men and women, so read closely. Being a sexual predator is not gender specific, bad people are bad people, plain and simple. If you are harming people for your own sexual pleasure without their consent, you are a loser and a creep.
Now let's say you find yourself having questionable thoughts and you don't want to make a huge mistake. First off, everyone has weird thoughts, you aren't alone in the field. If you feel as if they are really weird and the thoughts themselves are making you uncomfortable. Thousands of routes exist which you can take and people you can talk to that'll assist you. In the case that the thoughts are just pushing over the edge, here's some life changing advice. Go into a dark room, light some candles, and disappoint Jesus until you can get your head on straight.
Please excuse my language in this one if you could. Stupid sexual creeps make me a bit passionate and angry.
Don't fucking rape people and WashYourAss
- Noble
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